Senin, 12 Juni 2017


 Hyperbole has been studied in rhetoric and in literary contexts. In the daily activity we ever use hyperbole. For example we say “I work hard at work day and night for you and the baby (Aku bekerja membanting tulang siang dan malam demi engkau dan si buah hati) “. tanpa kita sadari kalimat ini sering kali kita dengar.
And I will give you definition about hyperbole and someexamples for you.
 Definition of hyperbole
· Hyperbole, derived from a Greek word meaning “over-casting” is a figure of speech, which involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis. hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation

In the use of hyperbolic majors, a phrase is deliberately exaggerated or exaggerated in terms of shape, size, quantity, and, on the other. With this, the expression will be seen to have a strong impression that can be more easily understood the speaker.

Hyperbole examples from literature
1. From The Adventures of Pinocchiowritten by C. Colloid,
“He cried all night, and dawn found him still there, though his tears had dried and only hard, dry sobs shook his wooden frame. But these were so loud that they could be heard by the faraway hills…”
The crying of Pinocchio all night until his tears became dry is an example of Hyperbole.
2. From William Shakespeares Macbeth, Act II, Scene II,
“Neptune’s ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No. This my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red.”
Macbeth, the tragic hero, feels the unbearable prick of his conscience after killing the king. He regrets his sin and believes that even the oceans of the greatest magnitude cannot wash the blood of the king off his hands. We can notice the effective use of hyperboles in the given lines.
Examples of hyperbole in bahasa

25 contoh penggunaan majas hiperbola dalam kalimat yang dapat ditemukan pada percakapan sehari-hari:

1. Ia bekerja membanting tulang demi memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya. 
2. Bahkan malaikatpun terhipnotis  dengan nyanyian Ed Sheeran.
3. Hatiku remuk redam melihat kau dengannya.
4. Telingaku pecah mendengar suara kau bernyanyi.
5. Hanya ibu yang bisa mengerti aku dari ujung kaki sampai ujung rambut.
6. Ia telah  menyelami samudera untuk menemukan anaknya yang hilang, namun usahannya belum berhasil.
7. Tangisan anak itu membanjiri lantai.
8. Tak peduli apa yang dikatakan orang, ia tetap berlari mengejar mimpinya.
9. Film dan kebudayaan bollywood telah meracuni pikirannya.
10. Kasihan anak itu meraung kesakitan karena jatuh dari pohon.
11. Gadis manis itu telah memanah hatiku dengan kecerdasannya.
12. Aku melihat surga tiap mendengar nasihatnya.
13. Kemampuan berhitungnya secepat kilat.
14. Jeritan hatinya terdengar sampai langit ke tujuh.
15. Cintaku padamu tak lekang oleh waktu.
16. Suaranya menggelegar sampai ke lantai ketujuh.
17. Kasih sayang Ibu senantiasa mengalir dalam nafasnya.
18. Detak jantungku berlari kencang tiap ku bertemu denganmu.
19. Jamela lari terbirit-birit ketika bertemu dengan sang mantan.
20. Aku akan terus berjuang sampai tetes darah terakhir untuk mencari keadilan.
21. Meski ada lebih dari lima ribu wanita di istanaku, hanya kau yang teristimewa di hatiku.
22. Lolongan anjing itu memecah kesunyian di malam hari.
23. Aksi para klub begal telah memakan banyak korban.
24. Harga-harga kebutuhan pokok semakin melambung namun tidak diimbangi dengan kesejahteraan rakyat. Disitu kadang saya merasa sedih.
25. Sinar matahari siang ini membakar kulitku.

Hyperboles and similes

Sometimes hyperboles can be in the form of a simile. A simile is a comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as." 
  • Her feet are as big as boats.
    (She has large feet.)
  • The dog was as big as my car!
    (The dog was bigger than most dogs.)
  • Nick is as tall as a giraffe.
    (Nick is very tall.)

Function of Hyperbole

The above arguments make clear the use of hyperbole. In our daily conversation, we use hyperbole to emphasize for an amusing effect. However, in literature it has very serious implications. By using hyperbole, a writer or a poet makes common human feelings remarkable and intense to such an extent that they do not remain ordinary. In literature, usage of hyperbole develops contrasts. When one thing is described with an over-statement and the other thing is presented normally, a striking contrast is developed. This technique is employed to catch the readers attention.

39 komentar:

Fajrin Suhaila blog mengatakan...

Hello mrs. Fenny i want to critic with your post please neater on your post especilly font on your post its not neat..

Dela Puzebang mengatakan...

You need some Spacing in your sentence, between a sentence to another. And using Ppt will makes you blog nice. Using same front size for your text. This blog really need perbaikkan.

Unknown mengatakan...

Reading this is like swimming in frozen pool, you jump, flow in surface but never reach the bottom

Unknown mengatakan...

Oh . Its your blog ? Ahahha like daun-daun gugur!!!! DISORGANIZED!!

Unknown mengatakan...

i want to take a bed than read this post

Unknown mengatakan...

Your posts like eating a vegetable is not salty that is there but not interesting to enjoy.

Nitaprakasiwi mengatakan...

Fenny this your blog not neatly arranged, can you make ptt in your blog😊

srafiahmh mengatakan...

I Dont know what I have to say 'bout ur blog... it really need revising!

Unknown mengatakan...

What's this? Please repair or make new one.

Mike Yulfa Acmi mengatakan...

hy fenny , i want to ask about A simile is a comparison of two things using the words "like" or "as."

Her feet are as big as boats.
(She has large feet.)
The dog was as big as my car!
(The dog was bigger than most dogs.)
Nick is as tall as a giraffe.
(Nick is very tall.)
so , you can give me for example about like ?????

RATNA SARI, S.Pd mengatakan...

fenny, your article is not organize as well, and you did not made it simply just too much word and hard to catch point. so how the readers interest with your blog.

Unknown mengatakan...

Hello fenny,actually you have not good enough material,and your blog so borred,maybe you can change your templete first

ShelaSafhira mengatakan...

don't just copas fenny~ your post like kapal pecaaah

SUSI LESTARI mengatakan...

well,before you post to blog you should arranged your words to more seen orderly thank you

Diyanah maisurah mengatakan...

Hi fenny, you should arrange the paragraph in this post. So the reader comfortable to read.

Annisa mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Annisa mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Annisa mengatakan...

reading your blog like reading the thick history's sleepy and no space

Desinorisahputri mengatakan...

Hello Fen,please make it easy to understand!

Asrilaraswati mengatakan...

Fenny, i like your example that using bahasa indonesia. So it will make the reader easy to catch the point😊

ADE GP mengatakan...

Hi fenny, i dont like your post. it is like water wave. Messy fonts! Bad writing style!

Adan's Blog mengatakan...

I think someone will be lost if you see your article 😂

Unknown mengatakan...

Fenny i want to critic with your post please neater on your post especilly font on your post its not neat..

Dela Puzebang mengatakan...

Eventhough that your bog have many mistakes, but so far nice 😊 keep blogging ya

Unknown mengatakan...

@dela okee thanks dela :)

Unknown mengatakan...

Thank you your critic jorden hehehe

Unknown mengatakan...

@ade gustia i don't care your'e like or no, i just care about my blog wkwkwkw

Unknown mengatakan...

@asri laraswati thanks mbak aci

Unknown mengatakan...

@desinorisaputri okee mbak de thanks

Unknown mengatakan...

@annisaseptiani if you sleepy you can tidur icha wkwkwk

Unknown mengatakan...

@diyanahmaisurah thanks suroh

Unknown mengatakan...

@susilestari haha thank you sule

Unknown mengatakan...

@shelashafira hahaha im not copas, you sok tau nii, if like kapal pecah you can perbaiki tu kapal wkwkwk

Unknown mengatakan...

@permanaputra thankyou permanut

Unknown mengatakan...

@ratnasari heheh oke ratna

Unknown mengatakan...

@febtimahani hehehe you want take a bath? Comeon i will do it,

Unknown mengatakan...

@fajrinsuhaila thanks your critic mrs fajrin

Unknown mengatakan...

@dikkifradana hahaha you can do it now

Unknown mengatakan...

@teshaamadea hahah it is not korean right, so nothing daun gugur

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