Kamis, 16 November 2017



1.      Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and society's effect on language. And this is study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations and the way language is used. and studying the cultural influences on the way a language is used.

2.      - to understand more about language usage
- add insight in linguistics
- cultivate good language awareness and maintain language uniformity

3.      Human is a social being, human always interact with each others. And interaction that are using language. Language as a way of communication. And relation between language and socioty is studied in the sociolinguistic.

4.      - general linguistic

-  Micro linguistic

a.       Phonetics

b.      Phonology

c.       Morphology

d.      Syntax

e.       Semantic

f.       Pragmatic

g.      Discourse analysis

h.      Applied linguistic

-          Macro linguistic

a.       Stylistics

b.      Historical linguistics

c.       Language geography

d.      Developmental linguistics

e.       Evolutionary linguistics

f.       Psycholinguistics

g.      Sociolinguistics

h.      Clinical linguistics

i.        Neolinguistics

j.        Biolinguistics

5.      Standard language is a variation language that used by many population or community for public purposes or as a variety that has undergone standardization. A standard language is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools and for international communication. There are different standard varieties of English in the world, such as North American English, Australian English and Indian English. Although these standard varieties differ in terms of their pronunciation, there are few differences in grammar between them. In contrast, there are non-standard forms of a language that are used, for example, in different regional dialects and these non-standard varieties are different from each other.

6.      Accents associated with sound (pronounciation, ‘song’, pressure, ‘now to take’, tempo ets) and dialects in include accents + vocabulary + grammatical patterns. And dialect is varian of a language according to the wearer. And language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. And Language is a system that consists of the development, acquisition, maintenance and use of complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so; and a language is any specific example of such a system.

7.      Examples of informal language : Indonesia : saya sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu

                                                English : might I suggest you try this new model

Examples of informal language : Indonesia : pr itu udah aku selesaikan

                                                English : it was, like, five bucks, so I was like “okay”

8.      Sociolinguists are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social contexts. They are concerned with the way people signal aspects of their social identity through language. Sociolinguists study the effect of social factors -- such as social distance, social status, age, gender and class -- on language varieties (dialects, registers, genres, etc). Sociolinguists are also concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning.

9.      C. lingua franca

10.  people change the language from one language to another because so that the other person can understand what is being said, people change the language from one language to another because so that the other person can understand what is said, and sometimes someone wants to talk something secret then they change the language so that not many understand.
and someone mixes their language because maybe while they are talking they forget the vocabulary they want to mention then they change it to the language they know,

11.  code mixing : yok buruan, aku buru-buru mau pergi ke market ni

code switching : f : aku gak tau harus bagaimana, I don’t care anymore

                        e : but you must do it

                        f : iya, tapi apa should I do
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