Selasa, 26 September 2017

Conclusion from the first group

1. Conclusion from the first group (asri,tm ridhani,shela)
      - sosiolinguistic is study of relationship between language and society. Interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social contexts, and comcerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning.
       - according to william labov is reaction to the contention among many linguists working in a broadly chomskyan framework that language, can be dissociated from its social functions"
2. There are 2 type of sociolingustic, are :  socioty on langugae and languages effects on society

3. Important conceps in sociolinguistic :
a. Standard language
b. Non standard language
c. Accent
d. Dialect
e. Jargon
f. Slang

            Sociolinguistics includes some branches, they are :
2)      Dialectology,
3)      Discourse Analysis,
4)      Ethnography Of Speaking,
5)      Geolinguistics,
6)       Language Contact Studies,
7)      Secular Linguistics,
8)      The Social Psychology Of Language And
9)      The Sociology Of Language

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